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Genealogy Resources
Ancestry Library Edition
Want to learn more about your family tree? Ancestry Library Edition from ProQuest, contains over 1.2 billion records in over 3,000 databases. Ancestry Library Edition includes the digitized images of the U.S. Federal Census from 1790 forward, the American Genealogical Biographical Index, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, court records, slave narratives, reference sources, and more.
African American Heritage is a digital resource exclusively devoted to African American family history research. This collection was created in partnership with leading African American genealogists and recognized leaders in genealogical information to develop a comprehensive mix of resources, records, and tools specifically pertaining to African Americans. It provides users a dedicated, user-friendly resource that not only brings together records critical to African American family research, but also connects them to a community of research experts, whose mentoring and assistance can frequently be the difference between research success and futility.
Family Search maintains a database with over 2 billion digital images, with most of them indexed and searchable. Databases include Ohio Death Certificates from 1908-1953, and Ohio marriage records. Family Search also includes a wiki to help with research.
Fold3® Library Edition is the premier collection of historical military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served from the Revolutionary War through recent conflicts. It contains millions of records from world-class archives, many of which are exclusively available on Fold3 Library Edition.
HeritageQuest® Online is an essential collection of genealogical and historical sources for more than 60 countries, with coverage dating back as early as the 1700s. The collection can help people find their ancestors and discover a place’s past, while also providing a comprehensive treasury of genealogical sources rich in unique records, local and family histories, and finding-aids.
NewsBank provides a comprehensive collection of reliable news sources (including the Bexley edition of This Week), covering a wide array of topics and issues.
Use the search to help in obtaining a copy of particular death certificates. The database contains the following: Ohio Department of Health Death Certificates (1913-1944, 1954-1970), Ohio Department of Health Stillborn Death Certificates (1913-1935, 1942-1953), and Columbus Board of Health Death Certificates (1904-1908).
Take the next step in your genealogy research and join us to learn tips for using Ancestry Library Edition and Family Search to learn more about your ancestors.
Was your home previously owned by a famous family? How have your property boundaries changed over time? Join us to explore resources to find past and present information on your house and property.