The history of Christ Lutheran Church is tied to that of Capital University. The first services of the congregation that would become Christ Lutheran Church were held at Capital University when they were still located near Goodale Park in Columbus. When Capital University moved to its present location in 1876, Christ Lutheran Church also moved. The cornerstone for the church building was laid in 1875 at the northwest corner of Magnolia Avenue and Friend Street, now known as Drexel Avenue and Main Street. This original cornerstone was moved and incorporated in the westernmost point of the stone wall along Main Street in front of the church's present location. While this building was being constructed, services were held on the fourth floor of Lehmann Hall at Capital University. This is where the congregation was officially founded with the signing of a new constitution on October 7, 1878. Services were conducted in both English and German. Services began in the original church building on July 4, 1880.
The church and Capital University continued to be linked during the early 20th century. In 1920, Because of a desire to make decisions independent of the university, the congregation sold their share of the church's assets to the University and purchased property further east on Main Street, which is where the church building stands today. The current building was dedicated in 1923. Capital University used the original location as a chapel from 1921 to 1927 when it was torn down to make room for businesses on Main Street.
In 1955 Christ Lutheran Church added an Education Building to the east of the church building. Today, Christ Lutheran Church offers two different worship services every Sunday. The church continues to be a strong part of the Bexley community.
Photos Courtesy of Columbus Metropolitan Library
The Centennial Celebration of Christ Lutheran Church 1878-1978 “Christ Lutheran Church First Linked to Cap U” by Hilmar Grimm, East Columbus Messenger, October 31, 1977